I started this project for a couple reasons:

I love black & white flyers that you can actually print and put on your wall or distribute at record stores/skate shops/shows. Some of my favorite punk memories are being by myself at Kinkos late night making flyers and zines in my teens and early 20s. I wanted to make some flyers in a similar style to that again.

I also wanted to make a place to park my flyers in case I do a year end zine or something along those lines.

I love art in the style of the Hernandez Brothers and their Love & Rockets zine and the various spin offs. They’re obviously some of my favorite artists and a big reason people from all over the world connected to the Nardcore scene in the 1980’s. I like connecting that stuff back to the music along with other art I dig.

Check out the instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/sdhc_shows/